Blaster Bunny + v2.1

Blaster Bunny + v2.1 Changelog:

-Now the actives items and weapons make visual effects.
-The price of the runes was reduced.
-If you put the mouse over a rune, you can see what it does.
-Now the "Defeated bosses panel" and "Rune transmutator" are in the bottom, an the baseball minigame in the top.
-The gems of the baseball minigame can be collected by Gunner Bunny now.
-The enemies of the skateboard part, now drop emeralds.
-Now you can buy drinks in the bar of the second world.
-Now appear more chests in the first world.
-Some weapons are buffed.
-Now the rare chest have a white border.
-In the arcade mode panel, you get information about that mode.
-In the rune transmutator now you found a help button that give you information.
-The price of the furnis was reduced.
-When you collect the "Standarization Potion" now appear a text saying "Spd and Jmp back to normal!"
-The emeralds make a little effect when you collect it.
-Fix the name of Gunner Bunny in the character selection.
-Bug fixed with the green tornadoes.
-Fixed problems with the menu buttons.

Thanks for support the game!

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